Most of you know that I endorse only a handful of products and people in general. It's generally been Alwyn Cosgrove, Mike Roussell, Mike Boyle, Smitty and his Diesel Crew and...well, that's really about it! Until now that is. My good friend and better half of the well-known Scotsman, Rachel Cosgrove has an amazing book was released yesterday (November 10th) from my very own publishers Rodale Books titled The Female Body Breakthrough. This is a GREAT book folks....
I have always said that Rachel Cosgrove is the 'Real Deal' when it comes to training and getting results....not just in her own training and competing but with her hundreds and hundreds of clients who have seen amazing results on her programs. I also know of Rachel's expertise firsthand as we teamed-up to make our best-selling Ultimate Core DVD !
Here's where I really want to help Rachel with her book sales and her website launch.... TOMORROW on Thursday November 12th, if you purchase The Female Body Breakthrough through Amazon by going HERE Rachel will be doing some amazing bonuses for you! After purchasing the book you will go back to The Female Body Breakthrough web page and input your will then receive a HOST of FREE GIFTS including a Fit Chick Credo Poster, 3 months of video coaching with Rachel, and 5 free e-books! Pretty solid investment Bonus for the book's Amazon price of $14.95!!!
While the majority of my followers are men, I KNOW all of you have wives, girlfriends, friends etc. who would reap serious benefits on Rachel's start your Christmas Shopping NOW...I know I am going to!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Rachel Cosgrove's Female Body Breakthrough is HERE!
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Coach Dos' Blog
11:00 PM