Yup...looks like that was the final score alright.....
Weightlifter Knocks Himself Out Cold - Watch more free videos
Gurus and experts and gimmicks...OH MY!
Yup...looks like that was the final score alright.....
Weightlifter Knocks Himself Out Cold - Watch more free videos
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
7:41 AM
Ugh.....are we back to the "stand on one foot - atop a dyna disc - doing 5 lb. bicep curls" workouts again?! I'm afraid we might be folks. The crazy things I used to see a few years ago are being seen more and more in my gym. There was a time when my gym looked like a training facility for Circue De Soleil wannabes and while it's no where near the old "bubble boy workouts" (my favorite term for some of the infamous Swiss ball 'exercises' I used to see), it seems to me that trainers are starting to reach into the old-school grab bag to keep their clients happy?? BTW, your clients should be happy with RESULTS not with the fact that they dig their workouts because they remind them of Gymboree play dates. It's disturbing that in 2007, a time when we know that unsupported, free weight, compound exercises should be the rule rather than the exception, we are seeing this phenomenon re-appear. Hey, if a guy wants to do 5lb. bicep curls sitting on top of a Swiss ball while his trainer is being paid $80 an hour to spot him (yes he's being SPOTTED in the above pic....), that's his prerogative. Peace.
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
5:52 AM
I think that a lot of volleyball vertical jumps are either blown out of proportion or carry somewhat of an Urban Legend appeal. Regardless, Cuba's 6'5 Leonel Marshall has some amazing hops. He has a reported 50in. approach jump...if this is true, the crazy thing is that a 6'5 man probably has a standing reach or 8'6 or so. Add in the 50 in. jump and it puts his touch at about 12'8". Giddy-yup! Enjoy the freak show.
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
6:25 PM
I have been teaching indoor spin cycling classes for about 10 years now. It's an enjoyable activity for me as I am able to get a super-intense workout completed in a relatively short period of time. For years, the classes at my club ranged from 45min. to 60 min.....we even had the occasional 2 to 3 hour marathon classes usually offered on the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas etc. (you know, the big guilt days). I recently started a 30min. "High Intensity Interval Spin" class....I mean we ALL know the effectiveness of anaerobic-style training on fat loss, fitness, even aerobic system benefits right? Uhh, apparently not all of us do... I mean I get one of the best workouts of my life during this 30 min. class, usually dropping more calories than I do in a HARD 45 min. spin class...crawling off my bike as I leave the room. When I look around at the rest of the class, however, I just don't see the effort that I would hope to see in such a short spin class (ahh, the dreaded comfort zone...). To top it off, my 60 min. class is completely full (55+ people) most days....my 30 min. interval class maybe gets a dozen members. People just don't see the value in coming to a class that's "only 30 minutes". It's to bad, we have come a long way in this field when it comes to conditioning concepts.....it just hasn't trickled down to Joe or Jane-Gym goer!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
6:35 AM
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Coach Dos' Blog
2:54 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
2:41 PM