Yup...looks like that was the final score alright.....
Weightlifter Knocks Himself Out Cold - Watch more free videos
Gurus and experts and gimmicks...OH MY!
Yup...looks like that was the final score alright.....
Weightlifter Knocks Himself Out Cold - Watch more free videos
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
7:41 AM
Ugh.....are we back to the "stand on one foot - atop a dyna disc - doing 5 lb. bicep curls" workouts again?! I'm afraid we might be folks. The crazy things I used to see a few years ago are being seen more and more in my gym. There was a time when my gym looked like a training facility for Circue De Soleil wannabes and while it's no where near the old "bubble boy workouts" (my favorite term for some of the infamous Swiss ball 'exercises' I used to see), it seems to me that trainers are starting to reach into the old-school grab bag to keep their clients happy?? BTW, your clients should be happy with RESULTS not with the fact that they dig their workouts because they remind them of Gymboree play dates. It's disturbing that in 2007, a time when we know that unsupported, free weight, compound exercises should be the rule rather than the exception, we are seeing this phenomenon re-appear. Hey, if a guy wants to do 5lb. bicep curls sitting on top of a Swiss ball while his trainer is being paid $80 an hour to spot him (yes he's being SPOTTED in the above pic....), that's his prerogative. Peace.
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
5:52 AM
I think that a lot of volleyball vertical jumps are either blown out of proportion or carry somewhat of an Urban Legend appeal. Regardless, Cuba's 6'5 Leonel Marshall has some amazing hops. He has a reported 50in. approach jump...if this is true, the crazy thing is that a 6'5 man probably has a standing reach or 8'6 or so. Add in the 50 in. jump and it puts his touch at about 12'8". Giddy-yup! Enjoy the freak show.
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
6:25 PM
I have been teaching indoor spin cycling classes for about 10 years now. It's an enjoyable activity for me as I am able to get a super-intense workout completed in a relatively short period of time. For years, the classes at my club ranged from 45min. to 60 min.....we even had the occasional 2 to 3 hour marathon classes usually offered on the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas etc. (you know, the big guilt days). I recently started a 30min. "High Intensity Interval Spin" class....I mean we ALL know the effectiveness of anaerobic-style training on fat loss, fitness, even aerobic system benefits right? Uhh, apparently not all of us do... I mean I get one of the best workouts of my life during this 30 min. class, usually dropping more calories than I do in a HARD 45 min. spin class...crawling off my bike as I leave the room. When I look around at the rest of the class, however, I just don't see the effort that I would hope to see in such a short spin class (ahh, the dreaded comfort zone...). To top it off, my 60 min. class is completely full (55+ people) most days....my 30 min. interval class maybe gets a dozen members. People just don't see the value in coming to a class that's "only 30 minutes". It's to bad, we have come a long way in this field when it comes to conditioning concepts.....it just hasn't trickled down to Joe or Jane-Gym goer!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
6:35 AM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
2:54 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
2:41 PM
Olympic weightlifting coach Bob Takano used to talk about one of the dangers of a loaded bar resting too high on the neck during a Clean catch. The dangers involved the weight of the bar pressing against the carotid artery and cutting off blood circulation.....too much pressure for a period of time and we could get something like this.
This is the first time I have actually seen this happen.....yikes!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
1:06 PM
Just some random thoughts about experts in this field. The fitness and conditioning world is filled with tons and tons of 'experts'....it really is tough to filter through and find out who is legit and who isn't. My Friend Alwyn Cosgrove made the analogy comparing a fitness expert and a black belt martial artist. I really like this comparison! If you are a legit black belt you will surely be able to stand the test of your expertise, same goes for being a legit fitness expert right? Anyone can say that they are an expert or that they are a blackbelt and the reality is that, for the most part, you will never get called out on it. People will usually take your word for it right? The true test is getting called out on it and walking the walk. 'Fake' fitness experts get exposed when you find that they don't actually train folks, they don't get results, or they don't really make a living in this field. 'Fake' blackbelts probably end up getting their ass kicked.
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
8:19 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
10:47 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how good some people are at their chosen crafts. During the writing of my feature article in the Dec. 2007 Men's Health issue (The New Rules of Strength) I not only got to meet a great writer in Joe Kita but also an extrordinary photographer by the name of Embry Rucker. Embry and his assistant drove up to Santa Clarita to spend most of the day shooting photos for this article. It was about 105+ degrees that day and they were in the gym with me and my basketball players, in the weightroom with me and 80+ football players, and outside in the sweltering heat taking shot after shot! Well, Embry ended-up getting some great shots for the article but many of the ones that didn't make the Men's Health article were fantastic. These are from Embry's blog....make sure to check it out as he has some great photos posted both there and on his website @ http://www.embryrucker.com/ .
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
11:22 AM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
2:21 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
5:45 PM
Okay, so many of you know that Mike Boyle has taken his existing website that was chock-full of great articles, info, forums etc. and made it into a pay site. So what has the response been like? Well, for me, my first reaction was "It's about time". So many of us have used Mike's information, cited his articles, prodded him for information in the past...for FREE. Why would anyone scoff at the fact that Mike has finally decided that his information is now actually worth $?! Believe it or not people have scoffed....and boy do they continue to scoff. Well, I think that this is actually Mike Boyle's fault! Yup, I said it....Mike has spoiled all of us into believing that great, sound, effective training advice is something that you get for FREE. Damn you Mike! Damn YOU!
Okay, seriously, let's analyze this shall we? I believe that the cost for a subscription to www.strengthcoach.com is $67 ....A YEAR. Yeah guys....$67 a year....$5.58 per month.... $.18 per day. Damn you Boyle! What do you think we're all made out of money or something?! Where the hell am I gonna come up with frickin $.18 per day?! If I spend that $.18 cents on Mike's stupid website how will I afford my $4.25 Starbucks iced cafe latte (soy of course) each weekday morning? Yeah, the latte that costs me $4.25 each day...$93 each month....and $1122 each year?! Oh wait! What about that $1.19 pack of gum I get every week?? That strengthcoach.com membership might mean that I might have to give up my $62 yearly gum allowance.
Okay the sarcasm is getting to me. Bottom line.....I went onto strengthcoach.com the other day (for the first time) just to explore. Within about 30 min. I had printed 3 training spreadsheets, wrote about 4 pages of notes, and got two new exercises that I implemented THAT DAY. Hmmm, would that be worth $.18 for that day? What was that worth to me in terms of $? Well, I have paid over $300 to attend a conference and got MUCH less usable info than that. You can't even put a price on something like this...to be able to get info that is usable right now is incredible. Even to find a little way to tweak an exercise so that you can now implement it with your athletes/clients is invaluable. Sure we can all say that we can search and find free stuff all over the 'www' for free but that is really hit and miss. I have read comments from folks that have said that they can just email professionals in this field and get the answers to all of their questions for free. Really? I get about 20-30 emails per day from people all over the world (who don't know me) asking me for advice, information, programs etc. and I couldn't possibly spend the time to answer and help everyone individually (at least in any sort of detail). I wonder who these 'professionals' are that have all day to answer questions from people they don't know on the Internet? Sure, I have a great circle of friends in this industry that I can rely on for answers to my questions but I don't believe that just anyone who emails these guys would get the same answers as me. Does that make sense?
Maybe it's just me.....I love to learn new stuff, I enjoy reading about how others train their athletes/clients, I don't mind spending money.....hell, I spend more the $67 a week on beer alone and lastly for those who scoff at paying $.18 a day for a surplus of information (that is so large that you couldn't possibly read through it all) I have a couple of thoughts....
#1 You should probably go get a job.
#2 If you are training people for a living, you might want to change jobs as you aren't doing it very well (if you can't afford $.18 a day).
#3 You are probably one of those guys who already knows it all so you wouldn't be reading this blog anyway.
Peace out! DOS
P.S BTW, I am almost out of books so my MH Power Training Special Offer is just about to end (so do someone up for Christmas will ya?!)
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
10:13 AM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
9:06 AM
Found this video a few days ago. I am completely awestruck at this girl's ability to change direction and moreso her ability to decelerate. This is a great demo of CHAOS Training and the application to sport performance!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
9:36 AM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
8:31 PM
My friend and editor at Men's Health Scott Quill has started a really great program to fight childhood obesity and improve Physical Education in our schools. As a former K-12 Physical Educator, I can attest to the lack of activity our youngsters are being exposed to each and every day. Please support this new program!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
9:10 AM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
11:32 AM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
9:19 AM
Do I even need to say anything??
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
6:08 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
7:34 PM
I have always weighed-out the teaching-time to benefit ratio when it came to using the 'full' lifts like power cleans and power snatches (and their variations) vs. a simple jump shrug from the hang position or a clean or snatch pull from the floor. Well, I then came across this study that compared power outputs of hang cleans vs. jump shrugs.
This is a pretty significant finding as jump shrugs take VERY LITTLE teaching time for most folks. It also makes the point that we don't need to 'catch' the weight to get the explosive benefits of many Oly lit variations. I emailed the primary author (who is a former college S&C coach) and he said he decided to look at this comparison since he did a lot of jump shrugs due to lack of teaching time and many athletes who just could not get proficient at the full movt. He said he thought the power outputs would be similar but never would have thought that the Jump Shrugs would actually result in greater numbers. Food for thought...especially if you are training individuals who might tend to be a bit 'motor-challenged' at times!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
2:20 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
11:59 AM
This is the legendary inch dumbbell performance by Mark Henry. For those of you who are not familiar with the Thomas Inch DB, it weights about 173lbs. and has about a 2.5in. diameter handle. I have tried to pick one up off the floor and could not break the weight from floor contact....it would just roll to the side. Watch Mike play with this thing...the most impressive things is how he just picks it up, walks it over to the table, and sets it down!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
1:55 PM
Regardless of the fact that thee girls are kipping rather than performing "pull-ups", it's still HARD WORK. I challenge just about any guy to match these numbers... Kip or No-Kip!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
10:54 AM
Man, does this shit ever end? Did you know that there are entire populations of people that hang out on internet forums, piling up thousands and thousands of meaningless posts all in an attempt to belittle fitness 'experts' on the www? Notice that I have experts in quotes since, as I have said many times before, many of these gurus don't actually train anyone. While I may not dig much of what many of these experts have to say, I find it hard to justify taking time out of my day to track theses 'experts' posts, read their articles, check there blogs and then go back to some circle jerk forum to talk shit about it. Yup, this is what these losers do folks. A good friend of mine emailed me his take on these ass-hats....I think it about nails it on the head.
There's a slew of internet fitness/nutrition "geniuses" that slither around the internet popping into message boards to show how smart they are. They spend a lot of time doing it because they desperately want to be heard, but the real world simply doesn't care what they have to say.
Damn, that's perfect isnt' it?! Nobody gives a shit what they have to say....nobody guys. Keep reading internet 'research' articles, skim your functional anatomy books for all the right words, post your pathetic, sub-par vids on youtube.com....it means shit. You're still just a poser....a wannabe.....a bleacher bum who is jealous of real-life professionals. Hey, keep posting though...who knows, someday, having 5,000+ posts on 5 different sites might actually result in monetary gains. Maybe someday you'll get the respect of real people, not interet forumites who won't even post their real names. Okay, maybe not.
As I said before, it is flattering yet about as Buffalo Bill-creepy as it gets to know that people are tracking my every move, my posts, my blog, my forum statistics....get a life geniuses. Gotta go take a shower now..ewww. BTW, it's nothing new folks. How do you get attention? Well, you can be great at something and get praise or you can be the jerk-off in the back of the classroom that keeps interrupting class and making crude remarks....hmmm, wonder which ones these guys are?
P.S. Watch how fast excerpts from this blog post will appear on some dos-bashing web forum thread. Ha Ha!
P.S.S. Don't forget that this week Alwyn Cosgrove will be coming onto to my forum to answer your questions in the Q&A area. Be sure to come by, sign-up (if you haven't already), and post your questions for AC to answer! Coachdos.com Discussion board
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
3:03 PM
This is why college football is the best sport on the planet!! University of Wisconsin fans doing their FAMOUS end of the 3rd quarter rendition of "Jump Around"!
It's all about the atmosphere guys!!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
10:51 AM
Okay, this is not a blog of mine, it's from Alwyn Cosgrove's blog. I just had to post it again since it is a CLASSIC blog post. I only hope that you folks out there realize that so much of the fitness and conditioning 'programs' found on the internet these days are complete bullshit.....
Do the math...
I've pointed out in seminars and articles before that there are a surprisingly scary number of individuals writing program sin books and articles that quite simply have not ever been performed by real people in real world situations.One I usually point out is featured in a "national" manual for a personal training certification.The exercise is Multi Planar Lunges and is performed for 3 sets of 25 reps each plane at a 422 tempo with a 90s rest.For those of you unfamiliar with the terminology - 422 means an 8 second rep.8 seconds x 25 reps = 200s200s + 90s (rest) = 290s per set3 sets = 870sBoth legs = 1740sThat's 29 minutes of lunges each plane! There are 3 planes! That would be 87 minutes of lunges!Bear in mind that this is only one of 13 exercises in that program....I also saw another "great" one the other day. This routine had beginners doing a chest and back workout that would consist, in total, of 35 work sets. The average rest period was 90s between sets. If you added up all the rest periods as prescribed in the program- they would add up to 54.5 mins.The author also points out that you should only work out for an hour. So you would have to get your 35 work sets done in 5 1/2 mins. Or about 9.5 seconds per set. With an average set of 10 reps in this program, you'd have to be moving some! Or using machines to do your exercises.Time machines.This is an example of what I call "hot-dog" programming. Looks good, lots of people like them, and they are quite popular. But when you start to look closely at what they are actually made of...And they come from "trainers" who write articles and don't, or have never, actually trained anyone.--AC www.alwyncosgrove.com
Ps - another quick BS indicator - anyone who thinks they have nutrition figured out to 1/100th of a gram of carb intake per pound of body weight. I'd love to see the data they have collected on clients who took 0.56g per lb instead of 0.54g before deciding what was too much and what was too little...
BTW, a reminder that Cosgrove will be on my forum answering your questions in the Q&A section so come over and post your questions for him this week! http://coachdos.activeboard.com/
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
7:55 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
1:51 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
12:23 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
1:16 PM
The amazing Annie of Crossfit fame....pure BEAST. I believe that that is her newborn in the background of one of the camera angles. Unbelievable...
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
1:43 PM
NOT. Saw this on Charles Staley's site about a week ago. Looks like the poor guy is also standing on some sort of angled platform???
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
1:48 PM
I was thinking about this the other day. Some of the best strength and conditioning is going on at places you've never heard of. Universities, high schools, and gyms (and even a lowly JUCO) that are not "big time". A couple of years ago I visited the Hungarian weightlifting training hall and got a chance to sit down with their head coach Imre Szuga to pick his brain. Looking around the room I thought to myself, 'wow, I have better equipment than this!'. It was then that I truly understood that the programming, effort, and teaching trumps everything else. Who cares if you have the latest Powerlift squat racks and glute hams? So what if my platforms are made out of plywood from Home Depot rather than from custon stressed hickory wood. My success here is not based on having the best equipment or being at the "big time" school....it's based on the fact that we teach and train harder than anybody else.
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
9:12 AM
As I mentioned in my very first blog post, I'm still trying to figure out the whole idea of 'blogging'. From my point of view, I see it as a way to talk about things related to my field, things that are being talked about and discussed on my web site, products that I think are great etc....basically things I know something about. What I don't understand is why people would blog about shit that they and their 3 friends who visit their blog talk about. Isn't that what email is for? Who really wants to hear what you're thinking about when you walk down the isle at the supermarket? I mean do outsiders really want to know how dysfunctional your marraige is or that you are 53 and have no family and friends and that you actively maintain 4 different blogs at one time? Giddy-yap geniuses. The entertaining part of this particular blog is that I can get berated and called obscenties by a guy who would cross the street if I was walkng down the same sidewalk as him. I think we call that being an 'internet badass' right? Anyway, keep lurking my forum guys.....you might learn something.
Enough on this topic.....let's get back to fitness tomorrow!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
12:20 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
11:03 AM
There is no doubt that the Chinese have taken Olynpic weightlifting to the NEXT level. The women, in particular, have dominated like nothing ever seen before. Here are some great training pics of some of the best athletes on the planet...How's this for a posterior core exercise?!
Who says you cant get JACKED from the Oly lifts?!
Did I mention that they are all incredibly flexible...
For a look at an amazing photo album of these athletes go here! WOW.....
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
5:40 PM
Okay, so this is sort of another rant but what the hell.....it's time.
What is it with fitness forums these days? How is it that the number of posts all of a sudden correlates with your fitness I.Q.? Most of you will know what I am talking about. You know, the car mechanic, computer programmer, realtor etc. who likes to workout and spends 4 hours per day online @ T-nation, Bodybuilding.com, or other fitness forums. I got no problem with you doing what you want in life but what on earth makes these folks feel that they are qualified to not only dispense training information but to JUDGE products and services put out by ACTUAL fitness experts?? Because you have 5,000+ posts?? Because you 'research' any and all things fitness on the internet?? FYI, I don't go down to UCLA and critique the treatment techniques of their cancer doctors nor would I go to McDonalds and tell the kid in the back how to shake the fries. What a joke. I think the funniest thing is that when an actual fitness expert, in an attempt to qualify themselves, states their experience and/or education these 'internet experts' are always quick to say things like "well, it's not about your formal education in exercise science" or "years of experience in the field is overrated" etc. Isn't it strange how those who poo-poo education and experience are the ones that don't have either??
Myself and many other conditioning specialists have gone through years and years of rigorous academics along with thousands of hours of hands-on, in the trenches WORK. You want to offend me? Just try to say that you are on the same training level due to your forum posts or god forbid your blog (whole different blog post that I will save for later). You want to offend me further? Critique my upcoming book when it comes out and tell me what's wrong with my programming.....what's wrong with my writing style.....what's wrong with my font size and margins. Yeah, getting crititqued by someone who hasn't the foggiest idea of not only what I do at work every day of my life but of the book editing and artistic design process....GOOD ONE.
I really have a love-hate attitude toward the internet. On one hand it is an unbelievable resource to learn, share, and even make a few bucks. On the other hand, it has spawned a couple of loathesome creatures....the internet "training guru" who doesn't really 'train' anyone and, for lack of a better term, the "forum bleacher bum". You know the guy that talks shit from the stands while the pros are doing their work. We all know that the bleacher bum would do this better or would have done that differently right?? Right.
If you want to read about real-world conditioning, discuss things on a regulated forum etc. come visit http://www.coachdos.com/ . See you there!
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
9:13 AM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
11:19 AM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
5:15 PM
Posted by
Coach Dos' Blog
9:18 AM